In Handy 19:20 09 Dec 2021

Correcting pronunciation and improving diction: exercises for schoolchildren

This will not only affect your child's speech but will also prevent dyslexia and dysgraphia

The ability to express one's thoughts, feelings, clearly and argumentatively explain the facts, as well as the ability to communicate in native and foreign languages, are among the key competencies of the New Ukrainian School. However, it happens that their development is hampered by problems with the diction or pronunciation of certain sounds. The speech therapist of the highest category and head of the School of Correct Speech "Rhetoric" Inna Filipieva explained to the team of the Learning together: a friendly school project on how to overcome such problems.

Виправлення вимови й поліпшення дикції: вправи для школярів

What is the problem?

According to the speech therapist, children with language problems feel uncomfortable with peers, ashamed, retire into their shells. At the same time, they may have reduced phonemic hearing, muffled speech exhalation, poorly developed articulatory, and general motility. All this can cause reading disorders: dyslexia and dysgraphia.

Proper pronunciation of words and sounds affects the overall development of the child, promotes mental operations to form faster. Stable, clear, and literate language is an element of a child's success and an indicator of their authority in the eyes of other children.

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