What to cook and how to celebrate New Year: 12 dishes from around the world and win-win colors
Not by salad a la Russe alone! We've collected the most interesting recipes that will bring you the taste of travel back to your holiday table in the new 2021 (and as a bonus, the outfits you can wear!)

New Year's holiday table is always the most anticipated. The hostess thinks in advance what to cook for the New Year's treat, look for new recipes, photos of New Year's delicacies, and considers improving their own proven culinary masterpieces.
Usually, the New Year's menu of Ukrainians is quite conservative — Olivier salad, dressed herring, baked chicken, aspic, deviled eggs, various sandwiches, Napoleon cake. For those who aren't afraid to experiment, the menu can be exotic, fantasy-like, or thematic, for instance, exclusively from dishes that the Eastern horoscope master would "like" next year (in 2021, it's Taurus). Often the choice of recipes is based on the dishes you wanted to try all year but, for some reason, didn't get round to cook.
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