22:01 20 Jun 2024

Ukrainian IT Army launches massive cyberattack on Russian services and platforms

The Ukrainian IT forces have launched a massive assault on the Russian financial system, targeting the infrastructure of the National Payment Card System the "Mir" card operator.

The press service of the IT Army of Ukraine reported that.

Due to DDoS attacks, VTB, Sberbank, Tinkoff, Alfa-Bank, Beeline, MTS, Rostelecom, Gazprombank, Megafon, SBP, NSPK, EIRC, and numerous smaller services are currently experiencing disruptions in their operations.

"Yesterday, when we promised to demolish the enemy's entire banking system, we meant it. And today, even more banks have been shut down, including their import-substitution system for card payments using "Mir." As a result, all card payments within the country have been affected," the message reads.

The Ministry of Digital Transformation of Ukraine reported:

"Companies sponsoring terrorism have been unable to provide online services for several hours, and Russians have been unable to use their services," the Ministry of Digital Transformation said.

According to Russian news agency "Interfax," the National Payment Card System has also confirmed the attack, stating that it has had an insignificant and short-term impact on service work.

The IT Army added that this is possibly the most significant DDoS attack in history.

For reference:

Since the beginning of the full-scale war, Ukrainian hackers have been carrying out attacks on the websites of prominent Russian banks and government institutions. As a result, the websites of the Russian Ministry of Defense, Roskomnadzor, and Rosaviatsia have all experienced disruptions. Furthermore, these supposed "hacker" attacks have affected even major state-run media outlets, causing them to go offline.

Thus, during the week from March 11 to 18 this year, Ukrainian spies and activists carried out several cyberattacks on Russian facilities.

As Rubryka previously reported, Ukraine's intelligence cyber experts carried out yet another successful special operation against the Russian aggressor state. Through a DDoS attack, they gained access to the Russian Ministry of Defense's servers.

Thanks to the successful operation of Ukraine's intelligence, the Ukrainian special service has software for information protection and encryption, which was used by the morph, as well as an array of secret official documents of the Russian "Ministry of War."

The Ukrainian IT army recently paralyzed the work of the Russian enterprise management system 1C-Rarus.

It was also reported that the Ukrainian IT Army hacked the Russian cloud service Bitrix24, which is used by the largest sponsoring companies of Russia's war against Ukraine, including the Rosneft corporation.


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