Video 22:55 13 Jun 2024

Solutions to win: Ukrainian engineers develop new aerial repeater for drones

Photo: video screenshot

The Ukrainian drone laboratory "Dronarnia" presented a new aerial repeater called "Vidlunnia" ["echo" in Ukrainian—ed.], which was developed to increase the communication range between the drone operator's control panel and the drone itself.

The company's founder, Maksym Sheremet, announced this on his Facebook page.

What is the problem?

Drones have been and continue to be the top priority for the Ukrainian military.

As a result, they are not only being mass-produced in the country and overseas, but Ukrainian inventors also constantly strive to enhance them.

Above all, drones protect soldiers' lives by attacking the enemy and serving as reconnaissance vehicles.

What is the solution?

The Ukrainian drone laboratory "Dronarnia" presented a new aerial repeater called "Vidlunnia."

It was designed to extend the communication distance between the drone operator's control panel and the drone.

How does it work?

According to Maxim Sheremet, the enterprise's founder, this device can work continuously for up to 60 minutes and cover up to 30 kilometers at an altitude of 500 meters.

Ретранслятор для дронів Відлуння

Photo: video screenshot

According to the report, "Vidlunnia" is connected to the DJI Matrice 300 quadcopter and enables the pilot to control the FPV kamikaze drone over long distances.

The repeater lets the operator receive and transmit signals from the drone, ensuring reliable communication.

During autonomous operation, "Vidlunnia" can work for 60 minutes.

The complete set of the repeater includes:

  • TBS Crossfire TX Lite 2W or ELRS module,
  • battery 3s1p,
  • set of antennas,
  • transport case.

Also, the DJI Matrice 300 comes with a mount. The video transmission frequency to the ground is set at 1.3 GHz, and the drone's default video communication frequency is 5.8 GHz.

For reference:

It should be noted that a new 3D-printed drone was developed for the Ukrainian Defense Forces.

Ukrainian engineers have also created armor-piercing ammunition specifically for FPV drones. This type of weapon is particularly effective against lightly armored vehicles such as self-propelled guns and armored personnel carriers, which are equipped with antiaccumulative and anti-drone defenses.

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