16:17 03 Jun 2024

Ukraine pushes for broader use of partner weapons in Russia – FM Kuleba

Photo: AP

Ukraine's allies have finally taken a crucial and highly anticipated initiative by authorizing the utilization of their weapons in Russia. However, Ukraine plans to continue efforts to extend its scope of use.

According to Ukrinform, the Ukrainian Minister of Foreign Affairs, Dmytro Kuleba, stated this at a joint briefing with the head of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Estonia, Margus Tsahkna, in Kyiv.

The head of Ukrainian diplomacy explained that Ukraine's partners have taken a "crucial and long-awaited step in the right direction" by lifting the ban on the use of weapons provided by them to strike military targets on Russian territory.

"It has its own rules that must be followed. In short, we appreciate the decision and will continue working with our partners to expand the scope. Why they imposed these restrictions is my answer: I don't know. But this is a big decision, and we should respect and welcome it," Kuleba said.

He emphasized that during the last two years, "small decisions are made at first, but then they develop into bigger decisions" and assured that Ukraine will work on this.

Tsahkna, for his part, emphasized that from the first day, there were no restrictions for Ukraine from Estonia because Ukraine has every reason, according to international law, to defend itself and strike at the military infrastructure in Russia.

"We defend this position among our allies and discuss it during our NATO meetings. I agree with Dmytro that these steps taken by the USA, Germany, Sweden, and many other countries to lift the ban are a move in the right direction. Still, my position is apparent: we cannot restrict Ukraine from using long-range missiles to defend itself and cause harm to the Russian military machine," the minister said.

As reported, on May 31, US President Joe Biden secretly allowed Ukraine to strike with American weapons on the territory of Russia. It was noted that the permission applies only to Russian territory near the Kharkiv region and aims to protect Kharkiv.

For reference:

It should be noted that after the start of a new offensive by Russian troops in the Kharkiv region, some European countries started a campaign to ease restrictions on the use of weapons transferred to Ukraine.

In turn, NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg also emphasized that Ukraine's use of Western weapons against Russian targets would not make NATO part of the conflict. The head of the Alliance has redoubled efforts to urge allies to lift restrictions on hitting targets in Russia.

The US Helsinki Commission also stated that the United States of America should allow Ukraine to strike with American weapons against the forces of the Russian Armed Forces in the border areas of Russia. However, the Pentagon said that American weapons are intended for use on the territory of Ukraine.

On May 28, the Prime Minister of Belgium explained during a press conference that the 30 F-16 fighter jets that Belgium has pledged to hand over to Ukraine can only be used on Ukrainian territory. The same applies to other weapons provided for in the security agreement.

Which countries supported Kyiv regarding the use of Western weapons on the territory of Russia:


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