13:10 29 May 2024

Deputy Treasury Secretary Wally Adeyemo visits Kyiv to discuss US support for Ukraine

Заступник міністра фінансів США Воллі Адейємо в Києві. Фото: Телеграм / Посольство США в Україні US Deputy Treasury Secretary Wally Adeyemo in Kyiv. Photo: Telegram / US Embassy in Ukraine

On May 29, US Deputy Treasury Secretary Wally Adeyemo visited Kyiv.

The US Embassy in Ukraine reports this.

It is noted that Wally Adeyemo plans to meet with Ukrainian high-ranking officials to discuss US support for Ukraine.

"We are pleased to welcome U.S. Deputy Treasury Secretary Wally Adeyemo to Kyiv, where he will meet with senior officials to discuss U.S. support for Ukraine, our next steps to tighten sanctions, and efforts to profit from frozen Russian assets," the statement reads.

For reference:

During his visit to Kyiv on May 15, United States Secretary of State Anthony Blinken announced the allocation of an additional two billion dollars in aid to Ukraine.

On May 14, Secretary of State Anthony Blinken announced allocating a new $400 million military aid package.

Also, on May 24, the USA announced the provision of 275 million dollars in additional military aid to Ukraine in the war with Russia.

The day before, the American edition of the Associated Press reported that the new package of military aid from the United States may include highly mobile HIMARS artillery missile systems and 155 mm and 105 mm caliber artillery shells.

This aid package from the States will be the fourth in a row since the US Congress passed the long-awaited bill on foreign financing of Ukraine and its allies at the end of April.

In addition, the United States of America is considering sending another Patriot battery to Ukraine.

In addition, the US State Department approved the urgent sale of three HIMARS rocket launchers to Ukraine at a cost of approximately $30 million.


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