Solutions to win: Ukrainian developers unveil universal robotic platform for demining

The Solomandra robotic platform underwent testing in Ukraine to aid in demining efforts.

The Temerland company reports that.

What is the problem?

According to Oleksandr Khorunzhy, the spokesperson for the State Emergency Service of Ukraine, a total of 297 individuals, including 15 children, have lost their lives to explosives since the start of the full-scale war in Ukraine. Additionally, 669 people, including 78 children, have been injured.

According to him, about 156,000 square kilometers remain potentially mined in Ukraine. He added that pyrotechnicians of the State Emergency Service have surveyed the territory of about 129,000 hectares so far.

There are already 3,500 sappers in Ukraine, but more are needed to demine territories contaminated by explosive objects.

The absence of specialized equipment for removing explosive objects, particularly mines buried deep beneath a thick layer of soil, is particularly noticeable.

What is the solution?

Hence, Ukraine is currently conducting tests on robotic platforms designed for mine clearance and demining of the territory. The Solomandra robot platform is one of the latest ones to undergo testing.

A ground-based drone should help with anti-personnel mines.

How does it work?

The robot platform should assist in facilitating tasks for humanitarian and military sappers and clearing territories of anti-personnel mines.

The little vehicle has four wheels and is operated by a person who should keep a safe distance.

Photo: Temerland company

A mine-detection system is attached to the front, designed to follow the terrain's natural curves and trigger anti-personnel mines.

Actually, Solomandra has a budget robot platform concept where losing it would be a manageable loss.

A small platform can be utilized to clear the area of anti-personnel mines.

The Ukrainian company Temerland has long been engaged in the development of unmanned robotic complexes and platforms and the modernization of vehicles into unmanned ground complexes.

Previously, the company introduced their idea for a compact platform called the "Iron Caterpillar," which also has demining capabilities.

The developers claimed that this platform can pull a cart carrying supplies, medicine, or wounded soldiers and can also be used to undermine enemy positions.

"The Iron Caterpillar can be a kamikaze and quietly deliver explosives to the enemy's rear and detonate there," the company said.

For reference:

It is worth mentioning that the manufacturer of the soil preparation machine for demining has already obtained a certificate of conformity. This allows them to begin production and use it for demining in various areas.

In addition, Western-style robotic systems for demining will be manufactured in Ukraine.

Ukraine also created a demining corps, and 5,000 specialists were recruited to perform tasks in the de-occupied territories.

In addition, Ukraine intends to involve more women in demining.




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