Photos 15:15 03 May 2024

"Treasures of the Northern Black Sea Region": Platfor.ma agency explores folk culture of Mykolaiv and Odesa regions, showcasing historic crafts and artifacts

The Platfor.ma social projects agency's team delved into the folk traditions of the Mykolaiv and Odesa regions to produce the "Treasures of the Northern Black Sea Region" project. They curated a collection of the region's most fascinating ancient artifacts, ranging from architectural accents used in home adornment to ceramics, embroidery, and weaving crafted by local artisans.

Rubryka informs about this.

For thousands of years, the southern region of Ukraine has been home to diverse peoples and has been under the rule of various empires. This has made it a hub of migration and colonization, resulting in the region's rich and diverse folk culture.

Despite the fact that imperial invasions supplanted the original Ukrainianness for centuries, the symbiosis of the ethnic groups of the South formed and strengthened folk art's achievements.

"We do a lot of research into the culture of Ukrainian regions, and when we wanted to learn more about the authentic folk culture of the Mykolaiv and Odesa regions, we realized that there is very little information," says Platfor.ma. "What types of towels are unique to this area? What style of pottery? How were homes adorned in ancient times? For instance, while the Western regions of Ukraine are known for their vibrant and distinctive folk art, the culture of the Northern Black Sea region remains largely unfamiliar to many Ukrainians. We are eager to change this, as this region holds a plethora of authentic artifacts that showcase its rich history."

The "Treasures of the Northern Black Sea" project is 30 artifacts of folk culture that characterize the daily life of the inhabitants of the Mykolaiv and Odesa regions over the past several centuries.

In particular, the folk art of the region is represented by the following products:

  • tin crowns — decorations on the tops of gutters of houses;
  • "konyky"— carved decoration of house gables;
  • painted chests — furniture with various artistic decorations;
  • the Black Sea toy-whistle — a clay toy in the shape of a grasshopper, a rooster, and many other animals;
  • clay pipes— clay Cossack pipes decorated with ornaments;
  • plot and epigraphic towels – towels with plot compositions and text of an educational nature;
  • Bulgarian belts and jewelry which are authentic products of Bulgarian master jewelers.

Each item of the folk art selections from the Northern Black Sea region features photographs and a short historical description.

In searching for information about the folk culture of the region, the team was helped by:

  • Mykolaiv Regional Museum of Local Lore,
  • Odesa Regional Center of Ukrainian Culture,
  • National Center of Folk Culture "Ivan Honchar Museum."

The "Treasures of the Northern Black Sea" project is available in Ukrainian and English.

For reference:

It should be noted that a project on community development and support for vulnerable categories of the population will be launched in the regional center of Mykolaiv with Denmark's financial support.

Also, there are over 1,000 archival photos at the Regional Museum of Local History in Mykolaiv depicting streets, families, and historical events from the late 19th to the early 20th century. These photos have been digitized for preservation.

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