Photos 14:24 19 Apr 2024

Solutions from Ukraine: de-occupied Kherson region launches mobile summer cinema

Фото: Херсонське регіональне відділення Асоціації міст України

The Beryslav territorial community of the Kherson region established a mobile summer cinema.

The Kherson Regional Branch of the Association of Cities of Ukraine reports this on Facebook.

What is the problem?

Currently, the security conditions in the community's formerly occupied territories are incredibly challenging. The Russian invaders have essentially destroyed numerous educational and cultural institutions.

Nevertheless, life continues, and community members, including youth and children, require diversions and tasks to distract them from the hard day-to-day reality on the front line.

What is the solution?

Therefore, a mobile summer cinema was created in the Beryslav territorial community of the Kherson region.

Photo: Kherson Regional Branch of the Association of Cities of Ukraine

How does it work?

Implementing the project "Mobile Cinema" showcases how one can effectively impact a situation and foster a safe environment for communication.

The first event for community residents was quite successful and gathered many participants.

As stated, because the front line is nearby, children are compelled to receive education from a distance. As a result, parents have asked local authorities to supply the necessary resources for their children to effectively learn remotely.

Photo: Kherson regional branch of the Association of Cities of Ukraine

Therefore, the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) ceremonially distributed educational gadgets to students of the community's educational institutions. After receiving them, the children stayed to watch the cartoon.

Meanwhile, their parents were able to get the counseling they needed. Proposals were also accepted, which will be considered when planning the next meetings.

The "Organization of Meaningful Leisure Time for Beryslav Territorial Community Residents through a Mobile Summer Cinema" project is being carried out as part of the ISAR Unity-administered grant competition "Strengthening Public Participation in Early Recovery Processes in Liberated Territories." The "Partnership for a Strong Ukraine" Fund and partner countries financially support the project.

For reference:

It is worth mentioning that a new groundbreaking project, the mobile division of Oschadbank, has recently launched in the Kherson region. This initiative aims to offer banking services to the area's community members.

It was also reported that a mobile dispensary operates in the Kherson region, where specialized doctors treat patients.

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