21:59 13 Apr 2024

Finland introduces new restrictions on operation of checkpoints on border with Russia

Starting April 15, Finland will suspend the movement of pleasure boats through the Saimaa Canal, which connects Finnish Lake Saimaa with Vyborg Bay. In addition, Finland is closing two sea crossing points near the border with Russia, Haapasaari, and Santio, and is continuing to close all land checkpoints.

The Russian Federal Customs Service reported this on its Telegram channel on Sunday, April 13, Rubryka writes.

In particular, the agency noted that Helsinki is extending the closure of all land crossing points between Russia and Finland (Imatra, Kuusamo, Niirala, Nuyimaa, Raya-Josepi, Salla, Vaalimaa and Vartius) from April 15 "until further notice."

As Deutsche Welle writes, the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Finland explained the indefinite border closure by "the risk of instrumental immigration."

According to the head of the country's Ministry of Internal Affairs, Mari Rantanen, "It is not when people need asylum, but rather when Russia uses them as a tool of pressure."

The Finnish side began gradually closing the checkpoints in November 2023. At first, some of the border crossings did not work, but then the restrictions were extended to all land crossing points and extended several times.


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