21:05 02 Mar 2024

Eco-solutions: Kyiv region to establish Ukraine's first wolf sanctuary in efforts to preserve wildlife

In the northern part of the Vyshhorod district in the Kyiv region, the first reserve in Ukraine dedicated to preserving wolves will soon be established. The Kyiv Ecological and Cultural Center is currently spearheading its creation. The "Devil's Swamp," which spans approximately 200 hectares near the Zhydok River, will be safeguarded under this initiative.

The Kyiv Ecological and Cultural Center reported that.

What is the problem?

According to ecologists, the European wolf is safeguarded by the Bern Convention and the EU Habitats Directive. Currently, there are 15 European countries where the wolf is fully protected, while five countries consider it a species available for hunting and offer partial protection. Bulgaria has a population of 2712 wolves, followed by Italy with 3307, Romania with 3000, Poland with 1889, and Ukraine with over 2000.

Unfortunately, Ukraine is practically the only European country that does not protect the wolf, violating the Bern Convention, which it has ratified.

What is the solution?

"It is essential for the protection of the wolf to protect its breeding places. Unfortunately, this issue has not been paid attention in Ukraine for long. There is still no specialized nature reserve in Ukraine for protecting wolf breeding places," the report says.

That is why the Kyiv Ecological and Cultural Center was the first to start such work.

How does it work?

The Kyiv Ecological and Cultural Center employees researched and discovered that a family of wolves has been residing and reproducing in the Devil's Swamp, an untouched and remote area, for many years. As a result, the ecologists are currently finalizing the necessary documents to establish a reserve to protect the wolves' breeding grounds.

In addition to wolves, you can also see red elk, wild boar, roe deer, and beaver, which are found in large numbers.

For reference:

To restore the bison subpopulation in the Zalissia National Nature Park, the WWF-Ukraine World Wildlife Fund launched the fundraising campaign "300 km Path to Love and Saving Bison".

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