21:26 01 Mar 2024

Switzerland joins 13th EU sanctions package against Russia

Photo: open sources

Switzerland has joined the 13th package of EU sanctions against Russia, approving both the expansion of the sanctions list and the restrictive trade measures provided for by it.

The state has expanded its sanctions lists to include 106 additional individuals and 88 legal entities and introduced additional trade sanctions "to further prevent Russia from purchasing important industrial goods and technologies."

The list of goods subject to export bans has also expanded, including the sale and export to Russia of components used in the drone production

On February 23, the EU approved the 13th package of sanctions against Russia, which includes 106 individuals and 88 legal entities.

The EU also added 27 entities that "directly support" the Russian defense industry to its "blacklists."

The new package provides for the expansion of restrictions on the export of a number of goods required for the production of drones.

The EU Council also decided that restrictions in the field of import and export control under the 13th package of sanctions will apply to certain companies from China, India, Serbia, Kazakhstan, Thailand, Turkey, and Sri Lanka.


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