12:54 21 Feb 2024

More than 70% of Ukrainians are ready to endure war as long as it takes – survey

Most Ukrainians are sure they'll endure the war as long as necessary.

The Kyiv International Institute of Sociology (KIIS) conducted a survey from February 5 to 10 and found that 73% of Ukrainians are ready to endure and withstand the fighting, Rubryka reports.

3% are willing to endure the war for another six months, and  18% feel they have the strength to endure for a few months.

Experts report that since May 2022, the situation has remained unchanged — in May 2022, 71% were willing to endure the war as much as necessary, and by December 2023, it rose to 73%. Such sentiments are observed in all regions.

"Although after almost two years of widescale invasion, we see some decline in faith in Ukraine's victory, most Ukrainians remain optimistic. As of early February 2024, 89% of Ukrainians believed in Ukraine's victory, with 60% being absolutely convinced. In May 2022, 95% believed in victory, with 80% being absolutely convinced," said the Kyiv International Institute of Sociology.

Currently, only 4% think Russia will win (in May 2022, this figure was 1%).

Sociologists emphasize that at least 80% believe in Ukraine's victory in all regions, with at least 57% being absolutely convinced.

However, respondents are more cautious about the current situation on the front lines.

When asked who currently has the advantage on the battlefield:

  • 24% said it's in favor of Ukraine.
  • 15% said it's in favor of Russia.

Almost half of Ukrainians (47%) believe that neither side has the advantage.

"Residents of different regions have quite similar views on the situation on the battlefield," said the Kyiv International Institute of Sociology.

The survey involved 1,202 respondents aged 18 and older from all regions of Ukraine (except for Crimea) who were surveyed via telephone interviews based on a random sample of mobile numbers. Residents of temporarily uncontrolled territories and citizens abroad were not included.

Under normal circumstances, the statistical margin of error for such a sample did not exceed 3.2% for indicators close to 50%, 2.7% for indicators close to 25%, 2.1% for indicators close to 10%, and 1.4% for indicators close to 5%.

Sociologists note that besides the mentioned margin of error, there's also a certain systematic deviation under wartime conditions. However, they believe the results allow for a fairly reliable analysis of public sentiments.

In related news, most Ukrainians (69%) believe President Zelensky should remain in office until martial law ends.

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