Company news 10:48 14 Feb 2024

BGV Charity Fund and KSE Foundation donate 50 vehicles to Ukraine’s State Border Service

The BGV Charity Fund team, supported by contributions from the KSE Foundation's donors, has purchased fifty Volkswagen T5 vehicles for border protection and front-line tasks.

The BGV fund upgraded and delivered the vehicles to Ukraine's State Border Service on February 9.

These vehicles are versatile and can be adapted for various specialized and combat tasks. Their design allows for carrying various equipment, including communication devices, drones, surveillance tools, and logistical support capabilities.

"Our BGV fund has been working with the State Border Service since the early days of the war. We receive their requests and respond quickly, regularly procuring and delivering equipment, ammunition, and vehicles," said Polina Aldoshyna, Chair of the BGV Charity Fund. "Our team acts seamlessly and swiftly because we know how critical these requests are. Even though it's only the start of the year, we've managed to organize operations to procure and deliver 50 vehicles today in less than a month. And we're not stopping there. There's more work and productive cooperation ahead."

Фонд BGV спільно із KSE Foundation передав ДПСУ 50 автомобілів

"We've allocated $500,000 for vehicles requested by Ukraine's State Border Guard Service. This funding comes from international partners and private donors of the KSE Foundation," said Svitlana Denysenko, Director of the KSE Foundation. "Mobility is crucial for effective surveillance, defense, and response operations. The purchased vehicles have undergone full maintenance and will expand our border defenders' capabilities."

Ukrainian border guards face challenging tasks amplified by the country's long state border, almost half of which neighbors hostile countries. Since the full-scale invasion began, Ukrainian security and defense forces, including the State Border Service, have liberated and regained control of over 1,400 kilometers of the border.

"Thanks to the support of charity organizations, Ukraine's State Border Service received a significant batch of vehicles today. These vehicles are essential to effectively and swiftly fulfill our duties in protecting the border and defending our country. They will primarily support brigade-type border units already formed or being formed to operate on the front lines," said Serhii Serdiuk, Deputy Head of the State Border Service of Ukraine.

The procured vehicles are intended for border protection and border guard missions defending the country on the front lines. All 50 cars will be sent to border units to counter aggression.

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