16:20 15 Jan 2024

Ukraine expands access to free psychological assistance for veterans and their families

Photo: Vinnytsia Regional Military Administration

Ukraine is expanding free psychological assistance services for veterans and their families, Rubryka reports, referring to Ukraine's Minister for Veterans Affairs, Yulia Laputina.

What's the problem?

Providing modern psychological support to veterans and Ukrainian defenders returning from war is a priority of the Ukrainian veteran policy. The government believes quality psychological assistance should primarily be provided in communities where Ukrainian defenders are returning.

What's the solution?

Yulia Laputina stressed in a statement that psychological support is free and will be provided through a three-tier system.

According to the minister, the first level involves social workers, veteran assistants, and others who have undergone relevant training, providing social-psychological assistance and services such as social support and adaptation.

The second level includes psychological assistance provided by psychological service providers, regardless of ownership form, including individual entrepreneurs who meet the requirements for specialists.

The third level encompasses comprehensive medical-psychological assistance licensed institutions provide with multidisciplinary teams of at least four specialists (one psychiatrist and three psychotherapists/psychologists).

How does it work?

The Ministry of Veterans Affairs will reimburse the cost of psychological assistance services to subjects of the second and third levels, specialized institutions, regardless of ownership form.

"This means that this year, the state will pay for providing psychological assistance to veterans and their families in communities. This service for veterans and their families is free. This work has already begun," Laputina said.

In related news, on December 4, 2023, the Ukrainian government adopted a resolution at the Veterans Affairs Ministry's initiative, amending the procedures and conditions for providing free psychological assistance.

The document developed by experts of the ministry improves the organization and provision of psychological assistance services, increasing the accessibility, efficiency, and effectiveness of services in mental health care and psychosocial support.

Resolution No. 1270 will also provide quick and free access to qualified psychological assistance for veterans and their families to overcome stress consequences, improve stress resistance, prevent mental disorders, and improve the quality of life.


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