Exclusive 11:59 04 Jan 2024

Solutions to win: Dnipro youth recycles e-cigarettes into power banks for Ukrainian forces

Члени команди за роботою

The FrontPower project brings together young people from Dnipro who meet once a week to recycle e-cigarettes into power banks.

They managed to make more than 50 devices. For this purpose, they have collected over 8,000 e-cigarettes. Smoking products get a second life and help the military at the front instead of ending up in the trash.

What is the problem?

Power banks are an extremely vital tool at the frontline to keep devices in working order in the absence of electricity.

To help meet this need, young people from the Dnipro Youth Council, supported by the Department of Good Deeds charity foundation, created the FrontPower project, which recycles used e-cigarettes into power banks.

"I took part in a similar project in Kyiv. I decided to implement the idea in Dnipro," said Azad Mamedov, founder of FrontPower.

How does it work? 

The used-cigarettes are mostly donated by young people. The founder says that they have brought in 10 pieces, and up to 15-20 kilograms at once. Azad Mamedov adds that there was even a parcel from Polish Krakow.

The FrontPower team has 15 people, such as young people and ordinary citizens who wanted to support the project. The team members meet once a week, and some of them take extra work home.

To where do power banks are sent?

The products from FrontPower were sent to the defenders of the Main Intelligence Directorate, the 109th brigade, the 115th, 128th, 93rd brigades and a dozen other units.

"Recently, I was approached by a fighter from aerial reconnaissance. He said he wanted to cooperate with our project on a regular basis. They need new power banks every 2-3 weeks, and this is a very useful thing for the defenders," said Azad Mamedov.

How to support the project?

FrontPower constantly needs money to buy parts. You can support the project with a donation.

The project manager also invites everyone in Dnipro to join the creation of the power banks themselves.

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