12:29 23 Dec 2023

Career Hub enrolls students with disabilities for free course on creative jobs

Фото: З відкритих джерел

Career Hub launches new enrollment for free courses in creative jobs for young people with disabilities.

What is the problem?

The project's launch was a response to the current challenges of the Ukrainian labor market during the war. According to the official data of the Ministry of Social Policy, the number of people with disabilities has increased to 3 million over the year and a half of war.

However, the ability of this category of people to provide for themselves financially remains limited due to the inability to find employment due to health conditions, lack of jobs with proper conditions, and lack of specialized experience.

The course's key objective is to allow young people to develop professionally in their areas of interest, and ensure their financial independence in a flexible format.

The course allows young people to master technical skills, create a professional portfolio, and even gain experience of cooperation with real customers in 3 months.

What is the solution?

The Career Hub NGO Center for CSR Development, supported by the USAID "Dreaming and Acting" program, continues the free educational course "Career Hub Pro: Freelancing for Youth with Disabilities".

The course program was developed with the needs of students in mind to make it accessible to every young person, including those with disabilities, as classes are accompanied by sign language interpretation and subtitling.

The course materials are adapted for people with visual impairments.

How does it work?

"Our students are young people aged 18 to 35 with various types of disabilities, including visual, hearing, musculoskeletal, and other disabilities. Nevertheless, we prove to them that there are no limitations in life on the way to a dream.

In three academic streams, our students have completed more than 600 practical assignments, created their own portfolios, and found an approach to more than 50 demanding customers.

As a result, today we have almost 100 graduates of the course who proudly said at the graduation ceremony: "Yes, I did it" and "I succeeded," said Anastasia Kovalchuk, the manager of the Career Hub Pro: Freelance" course.

The curriculum includes three areas to choose from: copywriting, graphic design, and video editing.

Additionally, students learn how to promote their services on social media the specifics of freelance work, and undergo training on psychological resilience.

During the course, everyone is given the opportunity to cooperate with real customers: businesses, public and volunteer organizations. The course also won the ZeroProjectCall24 international competition for inclusive projects out of 523 applications.

The employment of people with disabilities has always been a painful issue in Ukraine. With the beginning of the war, the situation escalated and, it seems, has not even reached its peak yet. Rubryka found out who helps people with hearing impairments to get a job and what problems and solutions society should talk about.

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