20:58 11 Dec 2023

Zelensky meets with Pentagon head and US Joint Chiefs of Staff chairman during Washington visit

Photo: Zelensky's Telegram channel

During his official visit to Washington, President Volodymyr Zelenskyi met with the head of the Pentagon, Lloyd Austin, and the chairman of the US Joint Chiefs of Staff, Charles Brown.

The Ukrainian leader announced this on Telegram.

"The visit to the USA began with a meeting with the Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin and the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff General Charles Brown at the National Defense University of the USA," the statement reads.

Zelensky, together with Austin and Brown, discussed:

  • challenges for global security;
  • developments at the front;
  • further Ukrainian-American defense cooperation.

"I am grateful to the United States for fulfilling our agreements, especially regarding the strengthening of air defenses, and to Secretary Austin and General Brown for their personal leadership," the president added.

As previously reported by Rubryka, on December 11, President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky would start a working visit to the United States of America, where he would meet with the head of this country, Joseph Biden. The White House expects that the visit of the Ukrainian President to the USA would contribute to the fact that public support for Ukraine would increase and return "to the headlines."

Among the key topics at the talks in Washington will be:

  • continuation of defense cooperation between Ukraine and the USA, in particular joint projects for the production of weapons and air defense systems,
  • as well as the coordination of the efforts of the two states in the coming year.

US President Joe Biden invited the leader of the Ukrainian state, Volodymyr Zelensky, to hold talks at the White House on Tuesday, December 12.

The leaders are expected to discuss Ukraine's urgent needs, as well as the critical importance of continued support from the United States amid Russia's increased missile and air strikes against Ukraine.

As Politico writes, the White House expects Volodymyr Zelensky's visit to the US to increase public support for Ukraine, return to "the headlines," and help convince Republicans to support a multibillion-dollar package for Ukraine.

During his visit to the USA, Zelensky will also hold meetings with members of Congress and IMF Managing Director Kristalina Georgieva. On Monday, the fund's executive board is expected to approve the final payment of about $900 million on a $15.6 billion loan to Ukraine agreed in March.


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