11:22 09 Dec 2023

Poland denies blocking military aid deliveries to Ukraine

Photo: Wojtek Jargilo /PAP

The Polish government refutes claims that the haulers blocking the border crossing points with Ukraine prevent the military aid transfer to the army.

Previously, Reuters reported that the Ukrainian military felt the effects of the border blockade with Poland. Protests have led to serious delays in the supply of military equipment.

"I strongly deny that such a situation took place. Military convoys crossing the border are convoys escorted by military police. They travel in a completely different regime, as privileged vehicles, and are not hostage to any protests," said Polish Deputy Defense Minister Martin Oczepa.

Stanisław Żaryn, the Government Commissioner for Information Space Security, also commented on the allegations of the American outlet.

"We have no information about blocking vehicles carrying military aid to Ukraine. Polish services are working on the spot and checking trucks at the border," the official emphasized.

Poland had not received any signals from Ukraine that the protests affected military operations, he said.

"It should be reiterated that in such situations, the best solution is to hold bilateral negotiations, not through the media,"

What's up with the Polish-Ukrainian border blockade?

Polish haulers went on strike and blocked a number of checkpoints debating against Ukrainian exports all over the EU, which shadows the Polish market.

Officials cannot unilaterally influence the agreement between Ukraine and the EU on freight liberalization despite this being one of the protesters' demands.

The Ukrainian side has set up a headquarters to help drivers blocked at the border. Each of the three points is assigned a coordinator who is in constant communication.

On December 1, Ukraine and Poland agreed to partially unblock the border. Ukraine's state budget lost over $200 million in customs duties due to the border blocking.

As of December 8, the State Border Guard Service reported about 3,300 trucks stuck on the Polish-Ukrainian border.

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