12:32 03 Dec 2023

US delivers two more autotransformers to Ukraine

Фото: Скріншот

The US has provided Ukraine with two autotransformers to strengthen the power grid and ensure the energy supply to citizens in winter.

What is the problem?

Starting in October last fall and winter, Russian troops regularly and purposefully attacked Ukraine's energy facilities, including thermal and hydroelectric power plants and substations.

Over the 500 days of the all-out war, half of Ukraine's energy grid has suffered from Russian shelling, and 271 hits to energy facilities have been verified so far.

"Last winter, during the massive shelling, autotransformers were perhaps the biggest key target of the enemy. The Russians insidiously destroyed this equipment, which is critical for supplying electricity to Ukrainians. Replacing and manufacturing autotransformers takes time and money, and the need for them for the whole country is significant," emphasized Energy Minister Herman Halushchenko.

What is the solution?

The power engineers noted that international allies continue to invest in the security and resilience of the Ukrainian energy system.

The US have recently handed over two autotransformers to Ukraine.

How does it work?

"Two more powerful autotransformers will operate in the Ukrainian grid and increase the reliability of energy supply to consumers in winter," Ukraine's energy supplier Ukrenergo emphasized.

Ukrenergo expressed gratitude to the government and the US Embassy, as well as the USAID Energy Security Project, for their assistance in the purchase and delivery of key equipment that is necessary for the Ukrainian energy infrastructure during the period of high winter loads.

US Ambassador Bridget Brink emphasized that while Russia is sending missiles and drones at Ukraine's energy system, the state is helping to maintain the capacity.

автотрансформатори США

USAID has provided $16.75 billion in direct budget support, $1.4 billion in humanitarian assistance, and more than $1 billion in development assistance.

Analysts believe that Russian forces will attempt to leave Ukrainians without electricity this winter.

Ukrainian Energy Minister Herman Galushchenko also believes that the Russian army is probably waiting for a steady drop in temperature and worsening weather conditions in order to strike again at Ukraine's energy sector.

The Ukrainian government and the General Staff have decided to protect energy infrastructure facilities: energy facilities have received three levels of protection from enemy air attacks.

We also mentioned that Germany is providing €300 million to help Ukraine in the energy sector.

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