Photo 15:22 24 Nov 2023

Lithuanian prime minister visits Ukraine to discuss defense, energy security, and recovery

Photo: Government portal

On November 24, Prime Minister of Ukraine Denys Shmyhal met with Prime Minister of Lithuania, Ingrida Šimonytė, as part of her working visit to Kyiv on Friday.

The parties discussed strengthening Ukraine's defense capabilities, particularly enhancing anti-aircraft defense, Rubryka reports.

They also talked about the Peace Formula of President Volodymyr Zelensky, to which Lithuania expressed full support.

Шмигаль обговорив із прем'єркою Литви оборонні можливості

Photo: Government portal

Moreover, the governmental representatives of the two countries focused on energy security, restoration of justice, and the confiscation of frozen Russian assets.

"We are grateful to the Lithuanian Government for supporting our position that the reconstruction of Ukraine should take place right now. Today, Lithuania is already restoring some of our social facilities," said Denys Shmyhal, the head of the Ukrainian Government.

According to the Ukrainian prime minister, another topic discussed during the meeting was support for Ukraine's Euro-Atlantic and European integration.

"In both directions, we have full support from the Lithuanian Government," said Shmyhal.

Шмигаль обговорив із прем'єркою Литви оборонні можливості

Photo: Government portal

За підсумками зустрічі двох прем'єр-міністрів підписано спільну заяву, в якій, зокрема, підкреслено важливість створення спеціального трибуналу, котрий має засудити винних у війні та злочинах проти України.

Шмигаль обговорив із прем'єркою Литви оборонні можливості

Photo: Government portal

Following the meeting of the two prime ministers, a joint statement was signed, where leaders stressed the importance of establishing a special tribunal to prosecute those guilty of war crimes against Ukraine.

Ukraine and Lithuania also signed an Agreement on Technical and Financial Cooperation, simplifying the execution of Lithuanian assistance projects to Ukraine. This includes the supply of various equipment, the transfer of technologies, and the implementation of reforms on Ukraine's path to the European Union.


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