19:59 15 Nov 2023

Russian forces intensify pressure on teenagers in occupied territories – National Resistance Center

Фото: Центр нацспротиву

In search of pro-Ukrainian students, employees of Russia's "investigations department" conduct raids on schools and universities in the occupied territories of the Kherson region.

Russian forces are looking for teenagers who they believe are involved in helping the Ukrainian forces liberate their native land. They are visiting colleges and schools and conducting "preventive conversations."

"During the conversations, young students are offered to turn in students who they consider 'disloyal' and are threatened with psychological pressure. In particular, teenagers are told about criminal articles against them and warned about the "consequences," the report says.

The National Resistance Center notes that all those involved in the repression of Ukrainians will not escape punishment because the Resistance Movement knows their names.

Earlier, Rubrika reported that the Russian army continues to destroy the Ukrainian language and literature in the occupied territories.

"In particular, in the Donetsk and Luhansk regions, there is almost no Ukrainian literature left in local libraries. Representatives of the occupation administrations are responsible for the destruction of literature. In particular, employees of the "education departments". The occupiers send reports on the destruction and replacement of literature directly to the Russian Ministry of Education," the statement reads.


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