18:26 01 Nov 2023

Historian Timothy Snyder starts fundraiser for Ukraine's missile detection system

Фото: UNITED24

The UNITED24 platform ambassador, Professor Timothy Snyder, launches a fundraiser for the "Safe Sky" alarm system for Ukraine's Air Force.

The well-known historian and ambassador UNITED24 got acquainted with the effectiveness of the complex during his visit to Ukraine in September 2023.

The "Safe Sky" system of sensors for identifying air targets is a modern Ukrainian product capable of detecting missiles, even those flying at low altitudes and predicting their route for further downing. Thanks to the AI core, the system also predicts where the following threats may come from.

The "Safe Sky" system effectively proved itself in test mode against both cruise missiles and Shahed 136 drones. During tests in 11 regions of Ukraine, it detected 100% of air threats without any error. To effectively protect the country, Ukraine's Air Force requires these sensors. The first goal for the fundraiser is 2,500 sensors worth $950,000.

Snyder saw how the system works himself during the visit with Vice PM Mykhailo Fedorov and the control point of the air defense in the Kyiv region.

Снайдер дізнався про провідні розробки систем ситуаційного оповіщення, впровадження та розвиток яких відбувається за сприяння Міністерства цифрової трансформації. Також він подивився записи атак ворога на цивільну інфраструктуру і дізнався про способи протидії.

Last year, Russia launched massive drone strikes on civilian and critical infrastructure with the undisguised aim of denying Ukrainians access to basic living needs. Last year, I raised funds for the anti-drone system to protect Kyiv, which was much more vulnerable than it is now. Everyone who contributed then helped save lives. There is no doubt that Russia will again strike at civilian infrastructure. You need to be prepared for winter at the level of the whole country. Together, we can create a "Safe Sky" over Ukraine and protect both infrastructure and civilians from terrorist attacks, said Timothy Snyder.

Previously, Snyder has raised almost $1.3 million for a system that Ukrainians call a "chess catcher." The anti-drone system is a US set of radars and autonomous drones that can block and intercept enemy weapons.


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