19:59 06 Oct 2023

Netherlands allocates €100 mln in another aid batch to Ukraine

The Netherlands has allocated over €100 million to help Ukraine with indispensable EU-standard reforms and preparations for the winter attacks.

The Dutch Defense Ministry notes that €60 million of this package will support state companies that pledged to rebuild Ukrainian facilities. The money will cover export credit insurance for payment risks of investments and transactions in the country.

Another €30 million will be spent on gas purchases and the supply of parts for power grids to help Ukraine prepare for winter and possible Russian attacks.

The remaining €12 million will be used to support the de-occupied territories and the International Monetary Fund, which helps Ukraine implement reforms.

Last year, the Netherlands agreed on a package of 2.5 billion euros to help Ukraine in 2023.

In early April, the country's government announced the allocation of the first aid package in 2023, a comprehensive package of assistance to Ukraine totaling 274 million euros containing military and humanitarian aid.

The Netherlands has led an aviation coalition within which Ukrainian pilots are being trained to fly F-16s, pledging to provide the state with 42 American-made fighters.


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