U&WE Hub offers free marketing training for Ukrainian women entrepreneurs

U&WE Hub (Ukrainian Women Entrepreneurs Hub) and NGO CSR Ukraine offer a free marketing marathon for Ukrainian women entrepreneurs — owners of micro to medium businesses and women with a formed business idea and plan.
What is the problem?
90% of women in the U&WE Hub community request Marketing Consulting as their primary business development tool. 85% of community members name Marketing and Communications as the top priority topics for lectures and workshops.
Owners of an existing business often don't find time and additional resources to analyze the existing business and take it to the next level in real-time with the help of marketing.
Women whose businesses are at the start-up stage lack certain basic knowledge to successfully launch a business: the ability to analyze the market and the competitive environment and create their unique proposition.
What is the solution?
The Marketing Marathon is a remarkable opportunity to get free training from the best marketing experts, including founders of businesses and startups, leading marketers of Ukrainian agencies, and business school teachers.
During the marathon, women will learn how to define the uniqueness of their products and build brand recognition based on effective positioning. They will be taught effective communication tactics to use to develop business and how to find partnerships and collaborate. The course will train them how to sell more and earn with social media and teach them trends, what is important to consumers, and how to turn customers into fans of your brand.
Participants who attend all lectures and workshops, complete tasks, and are active during the sessions and on social media will receive a group consultation in a QA session from marketing experts, where they can ask questions about their own business.
The marathon is a great networking opportunity to spend a week with like-minded women entrepreneurs, experts, and those who want to learn and develop.
How does it work?
The marathon takes place online from September 18 to 23. Classes start on weekdays at 6:00 p.m. Each day is dedicated to one topic. The application deadline is September 15 at 4:00 p.m.
To register for the marathon, women need to join the U&WE Hub community, register for a marathon, and wait for email confirmation.
U&WE Hub is a global community of active Ukrainian women entrepreneurs and stakeholders, united in local networks, who are interested in developing businesses. The project is implemented by CSR Ukraine with the support of the USAID Dream and Act program.
CSR Ukraine is an expert organization that unites more than 40 large companies, promoting sustainable business and social responsibility for ten years, creating social projects, providing consultations, conducting seminars and training on CSR issues and reports for private companies and public authorities. It is a national partner of CSR Europe (Brussels, Belgium) and the World Business Council for Sustainable Development (Geneva, Switzerland).
The Dream and Act program by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) is implemented by IREX in partnership with Building Ukraine Together (BUR), CSR Ukraine, Making Cents International (MCI), the International Republican Institute (IRI) and Zinc Network.