Photos 16:37 02 Sep 2023

Kyiv to open Ukraine's first board game library

Photo: Kyiv City State Administration

Ukraine's first board game library will be opened in Kyiv on September 6.

The Kyiv City State Administration reported this.

As reported, in order to use the game fund, you need to become a reader of the Children's Central Library named after Taras Shevchenko in Kyiv.

Настільні ігри, бібліотека

Photo: Kyiv City State Administration

First, they are going to have game nights. Those who are interested can also use the tables in the reading room. Plus, people can borrow the games just like books.

Настільні ігри, бібліотека

Photo: Kyiv City State Administration

The game fund includes more than 125 games – from the simplest puzzles to complex economic strategies.

Настільні ігри, бібліотека

Photo: Kyiv City State Administration

It is noted that the collection of games was transferred to the capital library by the Association of Board Game Publishers.

Настільні ігри, бібліотека

Photo: Kyiv City State Administration

Address of the library of board games: 25-A Beresteyskyi Avenue

The Kyiv City State Administration plans to expand this pilot project to other library spaces in the city.

For reference:

It should be noted that in Ukraine in 20 bookstores, you can read a modern book about health, measure blood pressure, blood sugar, exercise on massage mats and raise awareness about a healthy lifestyle.

Rubryka writes about this solution. Read more in the article: "Healthy Libraries connect books and public health."

In addition, starting in February 2022, the libraries of Ukraine reoriented their activities in accordance with the needs of communities and internally displaced Ukrainians, becoming humanitarian headquarters, volunteer and consultation centers, and sometimes even shelters.

What contribution did libraries make to the approach of victory? Read in Rubryka's article: "Libraries during the war: contribution to the common victory."

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