16:00 18 Aug 2023

Russia is drafting 20,000 citizens to army monthly – Ukraine's intelligence

Andriy Yusov/Photo: suspilne.media

Ukraine's intelligence member Andrii Yusov says a full-fledged mobilization in Russia takes its harsh turn, pushing 20,000 citizens to the battlefield, while the children of officials are not affected by it.

In just a few months of the campaign, about 10,000 people were drafted in Moscow itself.

Every day and every month, this campaign goes on, and about 20,000 people are mobilized every month. Recently, Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin named an interesting figure of 45,000 citizens who are allegedly at the frontline. Before that, the number was only 35,000, Yusov said.

The mobilization campaign in Russia continues "in different ways, using different methods." Yusov noted that citizens who have recently received Russian citizenship" are the first target to get forcibly enlisted.

This is an indicator of the criteria for obtaining a Russian passport, which poses a potential threat. It is highly likely that a person will be captured and sent to war, explained the intelligence representative.

Yusov stressed that the only way for Russians to save their lives is to voluntarily surrender. This is also the only way to preserve one's dignity, as it means refusing to carry out criminal orders.

Previously, Vadym Skibitskyi, another intelligence member, said that the Kremlin plans to draft several hundred thousand people for the war. The state aims to pressure Ukraine's resources and drain its troops on the eve of the final counteroffensive.

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