21:15 20 May 2023

Restoration of three high-rise buildings starts in Kyiv region with UNITED24 funds

Ukraine's fundraising platform UNITED24 has started an initiative of rebuilding multi-apartment buildings.

Most funds were directed at the restoration of high-rise buildings in the Kyiv region.

What is the problem?

Russian forces damaged houses in the Kyiv region in 2022. Now authorities plan to restore three houses in Hostomel, four in Dmytriv, four in Borodyanka, and seven in Irpin.

What is the solution?

A few months ago, the Kyiv regional military administration, along with UNDP signed a memorandum of cooperation and large-scale restoration of 18 high-rise buildings. The project will return more than 4,000 residents to their homes.

How does it work?

The approximate cost of restoring 18 houses is $21 million. UNITED24 ambassadors, international partners, and everyone who joined the fundraiser are the main contributors to the project.

All work will be carried out taking into account modern restoration principles, in particular, thermal modernization.

Local authorities assure to have transparency and accountability of all processes. Online cameras are installed at each building: everyone can follow the link to see how the work is being carried out.

The restoration of three high-rise buildings started this week. As for others, the work will be carried out in stages soon and should be completed by the end of the year.

During the hostilities in the Kyiv region, destruction was recorded in 46 territorial communities out of 69. Critical destruction remains in Bucha, Irpin, Hostomel, Borodianka, Makariv, Dmytrivka, and Velyka Dymerka communities.

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