19:54 17 May 2023

Japan to accept wounded Ukrainian soldiers for treatment

Photo: Japanese Embassy in Ukraine

Japan's government is set to accept wounded Ukrainian soldiers at the Self-Defense Forces' main hospital as part of its support for the country, Kyodo reports.

The government has provided Ukraine with bullet-proof vests, helmets, and other supplies owned by the Self-Defense Forces following Russia's invasion. It had been looking into whether it can provide further support.

It seeks to demonstrate a stronger commitment to Ukraine before the start of the G7 summit, which will begin on May 19. A source in the Japanese government said that the plan to accept wounded soldiers is a response to Ukraine's request.

Japan's plan for treating wounded soldiers may be discussed during a meeting between Defense Minister Yasukazu Hamada and Ukrainian Ambassador to Japan Serhiy Korsunskyi on Thursday, the agency writes.

In April,  Japan signed a grant agreement on the allocation of $400 million. The funds will be directed to the restoration of the critical infrastructure in Ukraine, damaged as a result of the war.

Since the beginning of 2023, Ukraine and Japan have already agreed on the allocation of more than $600 million for the needs of state reconstruction.

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