Video 15:17 03 May 2023

Robot dog assisting Ukraine's demining efforts – defense minister

Photo: video screenshot

Ukraine's defense minister, Oleksii Reznikov, showed a video clip with a dog robot, which is used for humanitarian missions.

The head of the defense department released the video on Facebook.

Reznikov reported that the dog robot is involved in demining territories.

According to the minister, the robot can imitate the behavior of real dogs. In the video, the robot playfully squats down on its front and back "paws," while the minister sits across from him and says, "fire."

"By the way, the "dog" is, among other things, incredibly playful," Reznikov remarked.

According to the head of the defense department, Ukrainians have "really advanced" in the direction of advanced developments, unmanned technologies, and an automated control system.


The minister noted that nowadays, modern creative solutions "are also born in garages," as the "business giants" developers Steve Jobs, Steve Wozniak, and Bill Gates once started.

In the video, you can also see the operation of reconnaissance and strike drones, which reach speeds of 150-170 km/h.

"Not only combat tasks are important. Rescue operations, humanitarian demining – all this will save the lives of Ukrainians," Oleksiy Reznikov added.

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