17:35 27 Mar 2023

Lufthansa Group Foundation allocates ₴2 mln for restoration of children's art school in Bucha

The Ukrainian BGV Charitable Fund and German donors — the non-profit organizations #WeAreAllUkrainians and the help alliance from the Lufthansa Group — are continuing work on the renovation of the Children's Art School named after Levko Revutsky in Bucha. Thus, at the end of March 2023, German partners allocated an additional two million hryvnias within the framework of the project. With these funds, by the new school year, the art school plans to equip art classes, buy new furniture and television equipment for the organization of the educational process, equip the concert hall with a new modern audio system, and also buy a batch of musical instruments for the brass band of the students of the Children's School of Arts in Bucha.

Фонд Lufthansa Group виділив додаткові 2 млн грн на відновлення дитячої школи мистецтв у Бучі

In addition, as part of the cooperation, on March 24, representatives of the BGV Charitable Fund presented two students of the Children's School of Arts – talented young musicians from Bakhmut and Bucha – with new violins. Thus, as of today, benefactors have already donated 23 musical instruments as part of the charity initiative: 7 modern electronic pianos, 4 guitars, 6 modern synthesizers, 2 cellos, 3 violins, and an accordion.

Фонд Lufthansa Group виділив додаткові 2 млн грн на відновлення дитячої школи мистецтв у Бучі

It should be noted that in September, the BGV Charitable Fund and the Bucha City Council signed a cooperation agreement, according to which the fund, together with German donors — non-profit organizations #WeAreAllUkrainians and help alliance — would restore the Children's School of Arts named after Levko Revutsky in Bucha. The total financing of the project as of March 2023 amounts to more than 10 million hryvnias.

Фонд Lufthansa Group виділив додаткові 2 млн грн на відновлення дитячої школи мистецтв у Бучі

Фонд Lufthansa Group виділив додаткові 2 млн грн на відновлення дитячої школи мистецтв у Бучі

As part of the first stage, at the beginning of 2023, the benefactors carried out comprehensive repair works of the school, which included the restoration of the roof, parapets, fence, and porch, repair of part of the classrooms and communication systems, as well as the re-planning and arrangement of the central bathroom, replacing the windows and some of the doors, installation of modern navigation elements in the room and of a high-power generator. The foundations bought and handed over equipment to the team of the institution – 40 laptops, as well as musical instruments to improve the material base of the children's art school. With the funds of benefactors, additional classrooms for music lessons were built to increase the number of children studying at the school. In addition, the BGV Charitable Fund, together with German donors, carried out a number of works to arrange an inclusive space and organize the appropriate learning process on the basis of the Children's School of Arts in order to ensure barrier-free access to all types of classes for children with disabilities. And on the eve of the new year, charitable organizations paid 100 annual scholarships for children to study at the Children's School of Arts.

Фонд Lufthansa Group виділив додаткові 2 млн грн на відновлення дитячої школи мистецтв у Бучі

Фонд Lufthansa Group виділив додаткові 2 млн грн на відновлення дитячої школи мистецтв у Бучі

As part of the second stage of cooperation, the benefactors continue to work to improve and expand the inclusiveness of the children's educational institution, implement educational initiatives, and restore the facade of the school premises.

The cooperation between the Children's School of Arts in Bucha, the BGV Charitable Fund, and German donors dates back to June 18, 2022, when, on the initiative of the alliance and with the support of #WeAreAllUkrainians, the musical event "Concert For Tomorrow" took place in the Munich Philharmonic (Germany). It was a performance by the Munich Symphony Orchestra stars together with Ukrainian musicians as part of a charity concert. Among the Ukrainian artists there were refugees who fled to Germany because of the war in Ukraine. The concert at the Philharmonic demonstrated solidarity with Ukraine, and support for Ukrainian talents, and also collected the initial amount of funds for the restoration of the Children's  School of Arts in Bucha. In August, the main sponsor of the initiative — the national air carrier of Germany, Lufthansa — joined the charitable project thanks to the donations of passengers on their flights.

Фонд Lufthansa Group виділив додаткові 2 млн грн на відновлення дитячої школи мистецтв у Бучі

For reference:

The BGV Charity Fund was founded by Ukrainian businessman and philanthropist Hennadyi Butkevych to organize aid to Ukraine during the war and to rebuild the country after the victory. The fund is engaged in the search, purchase, legal support, and organization of delivery of humanitarian aid to Ukraine for those who need it – for children, vulnerable population groups, military, medical institutions and volunteer organizations. The fund works for the protection, restoration, and development of Ukraine. The partners of BGV Charity Fund are responsible businesses from Ukraine and all over Europe: the charity cooperates with companies in Germany, Italy, Austria, Poland, and Romania, including market leaders such as Rossmann, Lidl, and Billa.

help alliance is a charity organization of the Lufthansa Group and its employees. As an international company and part of the German and international community, the Lufthansa Group takes responsibility for current social challenges that go beyond its actual operations. Currently, the non-profit organization covers more than 50 projects around the world that provide access to education for socially disadvantaged youth and enable them to lead successful, healthy, and independent lives. In addition to the focus on high-quality education, help alliance also engages in vocational training and entrepreneurship development initiatives . In recent years, the organization has supported about 150 projects. The work of help alliance is based on the standards of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child and the Sustainable Development Goals of the UN until 2030. Projects are financed exclusively through donations. For more information, visit www.helpalliance.org

 The #WeAreAllUkrainians non-profit organization emerged from the ad-hoc initiative that Volodymyr Klytschko founded together with Tatjana Kiel immediately after the beginning of the war in Ukraine. The organization, under the direction of the two managing directors Tatjana Kiel and Dörte Kruppa, implements scalable and sustainable aid measures and projects with a large network of partners and volunteers in Germany – for the people in and from Ukraine. #WeAreAllUkrainians also reacts to the most urgent needs on-site, which Wladimir Klitschko communicates from Kyiv.  For further information please visit WWW.WEAREALLUKRAINIANS.DE

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