21:58 06 Feb 2023

Ukraine works to secure combat aircraft

The Office of the President and the Cabinet of Ministers consolidated their efforts to unblock the decision to provide Ukraine with the first squadron of foreign combat aircraft.

Dmytro Kuleba, Ukrainian Foreign Minister, commented on this information during the telethon "Yeduni Novyny" ("United News"), Rubryka writes.

The Minister noted that currently, considering the market size and service availability, the American F-16 jet is a basic model for Ukraine. At the same time, this model will not necessarily become the first foreign combat aircraft that Ukraine will receive.

"It is not important whether it will be an American F-16, a Swedish Gripen, a French Mirage or Rafale, or a Eurofighter Typhoon. It is important to open a position [of this kind of military support], remove the taboo and get the first aircraft squadron. Then we will decide on which model [of jets] we should make the main bet taking into account the market and service availability," he said.

The head of the Foreign Ministry added that the only barriers for partners in providing Ukraine with combat aircraft are psychology. He recalled that the same obstacles once stood in the way of receiving HIMARS long-range missile systems, Patriot surface-to-air missile/anti-ballistic missile systems, and Western tanks, but Ukraine still managed to overcome the barriers and unblock these types of weapons supply.

"I do not doubt that we will open the option of supplying combat aircraft. And here the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of Defense, the Office of the President, the President Volodymyr Zelensky personally – the whole team is working to open this last closed door," he emphasized.

The minister reminded that none of the partners' fears regarding the provision of previous types of weapons to Ukraine were justified. In his opinion, fears and apprehensions regarding the provision of foreign combat aircraft to Ukraine are also not justified, so the decision should be made as soon as possible.


For reference:

The issue of supplying combat aircraft to Ukraine is constantly focused on during discussions with the USA.

Yesterday, the Minister of Defense said that Ukraine is conducting negotiations on the search for a platform to receive aviation.

In turn, Polish Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki said it is up to NATO to make the decision to transfer F-16 fighter jets to Ukraine.


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