18:58 09 Dec 2022

"This is a country where value is created": Sergii Voytsekhovskyi shared his vision of what Ukraine of Victory

On December 2, a member of the board of directors of BGV Group Management, Sergii Voytsekhovskyi, took part in the Western Ukrainian Partnership Forum — one of the largest economic forums in the country. The event is a networking platform dedicated to the realities of today, conducting and developing business during the war, as well as prospects for cooperation between the state and entrepreneurs. About 800 representatives of Ukrainian businesses, leading international companies and authorities participated in this year's forum.

During the panel discussion, Sergii Voytsekhovskyi, together with Vasyl Khmelnytsky (UFuture, UNIT.City) and Taras Kytsmei (SoftServe), discussed business sustainability and its scaling in the conditions of martial law, investments during wartime, effective partnerships and focused on how to eventually transition from the war economy of war to the economy of victory.

In response to the moderator's question to business representatives, "What will the Ukraine of Victory be like?" Sergii Voytsekhovskyi shared his vision:

"This is a country where value is created, which is very important. And this is a country that will create, not just use or consume. This is a country in which industrial potential is developing. This is a country that clearly knows what it will look like in 10, 20 and even 30 years. To think in terms of two or three years is practically to abandon 99% of important projects because they are not done in 2 years. And, of course, Victory's Ukraine is a country of free, happy, hardworking and persistent people."

BGV Group Management notes the importance of such events: despite the war and all the obstacles, expert circles continue to gather in our country, forums and conferences are held, and plans are made for business development and effective interaction with the state.

"Such discussions significantly invigorate the business environment, help share experience and inspire to continue to hold the economic front and unite for the sake of the country's development," the message reads.

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