20:54 06 Aug 2022

Pope Francis mulling Kyiv trip - Ambassador to Vatican

Фото: twitter.com/AndriiYurash

Pope Francis has met with Ukraine's Ambassador to the Vatican, Andrii Yurash, having discussed the pontiff's possible visit to Ukraine before the scheduled trip to Kazakhstan.

That's according to a tweet the Ambassador posted on Saturday, August 6.

"Moments of communication with Holy Father are always inspirational. Especially when there is a chance to discuss and promote subjects that is 'on table' for a long time, like Pope's visit to Ukraine: Ukraine wants to meet and greet His Holiness as quick as possible, even before his trip to Kazakhstan," the envoy wrote.

The diplomat noted the Pope's words that he is "very close to Ukraine" and wants to "express this closeness" through his visit.

Папа Римський посол

As reported earlier, Pope Francis intends to fly to Kazakhstan to take part in the Congress of Leaders of World and Traditional Religions on September 13 through 15.

Earlier, in an interview with Reuters, the pontiff expressed hope that following his July's visit to Canada, he could also make trips to Moscow and Kyiv.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine has extended the invitation to Pope Francis, stressing that the visit would strengthen the Pope's role in restoring peace on the Ukrainian land.

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