08:38 21 Mar 2022

The United States states it could expand sanctions against Russia

The United States has the opportunity to further expand sanctions against Russia

This was stated by Deputy National Security Adviser Daleep Singh, CNN reports.

"We can broaden our sanctions. Take the measures, take the sanctions we've already applied, apply them in more targets. Apply them to more sectors," he said.

"More banks, more sectors that we haven't touched," Singh said.

When asked what could be subject to sanctions, Singh said: "Well, the commanding heights of the Russian economy. It's mostly about oil and gas, but there are other sectors too. I don't wanna specify them, but I think (Russian President Vladimir) Putin would know what those are."

Singh described the impact of US and allies' sanctions on Russia's economy, saying they had prompted Putin to take "desperate measures."

"He's self-isolating his economy. Russia is now on a fast track to a 1980's-style Soviet living standard. It's looking into an economic abyss and that is the result of Putin's choices and I can see from his reaction, that's where it's headed," Singh said.

"This is Putin's war. These are Putin sanctions and this is Putin's hardship he's putting on the Russian people," he added.

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