19:21 03 Mar 2022

Give us planes, otherwise, Russia will go to the Berlin Wall, - Zelenskyy addressed the West

President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy asked the West to send military planes to fight the Russian invasion

He stated this at a press conference in Kyiv, the EP reports.

"If you don't have the strength, strength to close the sky, then give me planes. Give me planes. If we cease to be, God forbid, then the next will be Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia. Then there will be Georgia, Moldova, Poland. They will go to The Berlin Wall," Zelenskyy said.

All the countries mentioned by the president are members of NATO, which means that if Russia invades one, it will go to war with the whole Alliance.

"I want to thank those countries that support us, hand over weapons. But it was too late. This term, when we spoke and asked, this term costs thousands of lives of Ukrainians," the president added.

To recap, the EU said on Sunday that it had agreed on a 450m-euro military aid package.

And Foreign Minister Josep Borrell said several countries were ready to hand over fighter jets.

However, Poland, Bulgaria, and Slovakia later officially denied reports that they would hand over the planes to Ukraine.

According to Dmytro Kuleba, Ukraine is continuing talks with European countries on providing combat aircraft to combat the Russian invasion.

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