09:18 18 Feb 2022

The US Senate approves a resolution in support of Ukraine

The US Senate approved a resolution in support of Ukraine.

This was reported by AP.

The senators' resolution has no force of law, but officially declares "the United States' unwavering support for a secure, democratic, and independent Ukraine" and "condemns the build-up of Russian military force" on the border with Ukraine. Senator Rob Portman, Ohio, said "Congress is united in its support for Ukraine's independence and sovereignty."

The resolution calls on US President Joe Biden to force the US government to exhaust all available tools to impose "significant costs" on Russia and "restore peace in Europe."

The final text states that the resolution should not be construed as authorizing the use of military force against Russia or introducing US forces into Ukraine.

It is noted that the vote was unanimous, without objections or formal roll-call voting.

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