Column 17:50 16 Sep 2021

Have fun and help. Why we should talk about charitable projects


How to promote "good deeds" and why should it be fun?

We're used to being silent about charity, and if we do talk about it, it's (often) about tears and pity. Is it working? Undoubtedly. Is it effective? Not always.

Everything, even approaches to the "exploitation" of human empathy are changing. Agree, it's much more pleasant to help someone, not shedding tears, but having fun. And it's easier to talk about it.

It's the strategy followed by the alternative charity, Kurazh, a cult event with a history of more than five years.

Веселись і допомагай. Чому про благодійні проєкти треба говорити

Photo: kyivmaps.com

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