Column 17:54 23 Apr 2021

How to reduce crime in Ukraine?

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Why do people commit crimes? How to make sure that there are no crimes in society? The answers to these important questions are still the subject of scientific research by criminologists in most countries. The complexity of research is related, in particular, to the specifics of their subject. The phenomenon called "crime" changes in space and time and has an obvious cultural nature. The same acts are criminalized in one country and not considered criminal in another. Actions that were considered a crime in the past are now perfectly legal in the same society.

Besides, there's often no unity in the approach to "criminal assessment" of certain acts, even within one society at the same time. One of the obvious examples: according to Articles 121, 122, 126 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine, intentional severe or moderate bodily harm, intentional infliction of punches, beatings, or other violent acts that caused physical pain and didn't cause bodily harm entails quite serious types of criminal punishments. But how often have you heard of open criminal proceedings, say, in the aftermath of boxing? What's the difference between acts that are in the listed articles of the "penal law" and sports, the content of which is to inflict bodily harm? The simple answer is the context through which the assessment is made.

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