Digest 18:26 07 Oct 2023

"Invisible cloak" for Ukrainian soldiers and more aid packages: five leading solutions of the week

Every Saturday, Rubryka posts a short digest of the week's TOP 5 solutions that bring Ukraine's victory closer:

🔥 The French arms maker Turgis Gaillard will manufacture the drones in cooperation with Ukraine. The Aarok MALE UAV can stay in the air for up to 30 hours and perform reconnaissance and strike missions.

👏 Ukrainians have created an "invisible cloak" for Ukrainian forces to protect the troops from Russian thermal imagers. The cloak blocks heat radiation and makes soldiers invisible to the enemy.

🇪🇺 The European Parliament has approved the creation of a €50 billion Ukraine Fund. It was created as part of amendments to the EU's long-term budget until 2027.

🔥 Poland has handed over a batch of repaired Leopard 2 tanks to Ukraine. Their exact number is unknown. However, the defense ministry said that other tanks are being repaired.

🇪🇸 Spain and Germany will send regular military aid packages to Ukraine. They will include additional air defense equipment, artillery, anti-drone systems, and more.

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