"Kyiv stops developing for people, we want to change it," March for Kyiv organizers

On October 2, representatives of 46 environmental, urban, transport, anti-construction, and other urban public organizations will gather on the "March for Kyiv." The main demand of activists is the creation of a fair and comfortable city for everyone, where the interests of the community are primary, and not the ones of "investors who earn on turning Kyiv into the concrete ghetto," the event description says.
March initiators demand to stop "building violence over the city," conduct transport and mobility reform, return the city of self-government and district council with budget and powers, begin to solve issues with water and air in the capital, as well as develop a new general plan of Kyiv. Besides voiced demands, activists offer specific solutions that can help the city become more comfortable.
"Negative changes of Kyiv become so obvious that strangers are united around them. They want to protect the city in which they live and which they love," says the founder of the "ReaniMetro/ReanMisto" public initiative, Maria Nazarova. According to her, the initiative to hold a march began from wanting to preserve a unique architectural building, "Flowers of Ukraine," from destruction. "Many people who possibly contradict in other views, but ache the destruction of historical and architectural monuments of Kyiv, gathered to defend the building. The destruction of the modernist facade of Flowers of Ukraine is a symbol of how the city ceases to develop for people, but it develops for so-called investors, and not one year they're trying to destroy the Kyiv, which we know and love," says the activist.
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