Bicycle Day: where to go by bicycle and what you need to know to go on a bike tour
What cycle routes Ukraine has, how to choose the right one, and what to take with you

In April 2018, the UN General Assembly proclaimed June 3 World Bicycle Day. As a type of transport, the bicycle has been used for about 200 years, and now it has become almost the most popular transport: it's absolutely environmentally friendly, promotes a healthy lifestyle for its owner and doesn't require fuel to move, except for modern models with an electric motor. These factors, combined with a ban on public transport last year, briefly led to a shortage of two-wheeled vehicles last year, according to the Financial Times.
With the metro resuming work, buses, and city minibusses, there are fewer cyclists; it's sometimes dangerous and uncomfortable to ride a bike in a busy city schedule because the infrastructure of many Ukrainian cities isn't ready for the normal movement of numerous bicycles. However, many people fell in love with this type of transport, and today we propose to get acquainted with the routes throughout Ukraine for cyclists. Anyone can take on a trip, receive a healthy sports load, a pleasant ride, and enjoy the beautiful summer landscapes.
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