Podcast 18:15 03 Jul 2024

Anders Åslund on Ukraine Recovery Conference, West, NATO summit: listen to Rubryka’s podcast

Rubryka was an information partner of the Lviv Media Forum (LMF) 2024. The Lviv Media Forum is the largest annual forum in Ukraine and Eastern Europe, bringing together many journalists and media experts. This year's topic was "Common Language for Common Sense: Search For Meaning in Polarized World"

This episode is a follow-up of the partnership with LMF, and today, we talk to Anders Åslund, a senior fellow at the Stockholm Free World Forum and Adjunct Professor at Georgetown University.

Listen to our new episode of Solutions from Ukraine podcast:

In this episode, we touch upon the following topics:

  • Ukraine Recovery Conference 2024 in Berlin
  • Western strategy towards Ukraine in the context of Russia-Ukraine war
  • Upcoming NATO summit in Washington 

You can support solutions-focused journalism in Ukraine by contributing to Rubryka on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/rubryka 


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