16:10 02 Jul 2024

Blinken teases air defense announcement for Ukraine ahead of NATO summit

Photo: Reuters

Shortly, there may be news about providing additional air defense systems to Ukraine. They are expected before the NATO summit on July 9-11.

We Secretary of State Anthony Blinken stated this, Rubryka reports, referring to Voice of America.

According to Blinken, Ukraine's success is being able to "stand on its own feet" in military, economic, and democratic matters. In the short term, one component of Ukrainian success is a strong air defense system.

The State Secretary noted that Ukraine's economy has extraordinary potential and is subject to investment. To reveal it, it is necessary to provide air defense to protect the territories in which investments have been made.

"We are working on it. I think there will be more news about it in the coming weeks, on the eve of the NATO summit next week," the head of the State Department said.

He also added that an independent Ukraine in the democratic, economic, and military spheres would be the "strongest answer" to the Russian dictator Vladimir Putin.

What is known about the transfer of air defense equipment to Ukraine by partner countries


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