22:54 28 May 2024

Ukraine to receive first batch of shells as part of Czech initiative in the coming days – PM Fiala

Photo: Rheinmetall

The first batch of artillery shells under the Czech initiative will arrive in Ukraine "in the next few days."

The Prime Minister of the Czech Republic, Petr Fiala, stated this, according to Barron's.

He said that fifteen countries of the European Union and NATO have already collected more than 1.6 billion euros for shells for Ukraine.

"The first tens of thousands of 155 mm ammunition will be delivered in June. Ukraine can expect the first batch in the coming days," Fiala said.

The Prime Minister also clarified that since the beginning of the full-scale war, Ukraine received from the Allies:

  • 918 units of heavy equipment,
  • almost 21 million rounds of medium-caliber ammunition,
  • 1.7 million ammunition and large-caliber missiles.

As previously reported by Rubryka, Prime Minister of Ukraine Denys Shmyhal met with Prime Minister of the Czech Republic Petr Fiala in Prague on May 28 as part of the head of the Ukrainian government's working visit.

The parties discussed the implementation of the artillery initiative, for which more than 1.6 billion euros have already been collected. The Prime Minister of Ukraine thanked the Czech Republic for the comprehensive support of Ukraine.

For reference:

On February 17, at the Munich Security Conference, Czech President Petr Pavel said that his country had identified 500,000 155 mm and 300,000 122 mm rounds that could be delivered within weeks if the money was available.

In total, 15 countries support the procurement of ammunition for Ukraine outside of Europe.

The Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic, Jan Lipavsky, stated that 1.5 million shells can be supplied within the scope of the initiative for the procurement of artillery ammunition for Ukraine.

It is worth adding that the Czech Republic has already identified more than a million units of artillery ammunition in countries outside the European Union, which can be purchased for transfer to Ukraine.

In turn, the President of the Czech Republic, Petr Pavel, said that the Czech initiative had gained momentum.

According to the media, Ukraine will receive more shells than expected as part of the Czech initiative.


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