Company news 10:59 28 May 2024

BGV Charity Fund supports children’s athletics tournament

Фото: Благодійний фонд BGV

From May 10 to 12, the city of Zhytomyr welcomed the Ukrainian Athletics Championship for children born in 2011-2012 from youth sports schools.

The BGV Charity Fund provided funds for the prize pool for the athletes who won the top three places:

  • 1st place — UAH 2000;
  • 2nd place — UAH 1500;
  • 3rd place — UAH 1000.

The BGV fund also supplied sweet gifts for the champions in specific tetrathlon events and drinking water for all participants, including the judging panel.

Overall, 150 participants from 13 regions of Ukraine took part in the competition.

The young athletes competed in the 60m sprint, ball throwing, long jump, and the 500m run for girls and 600m run for boys.

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