Company news 11:21 24 May 2024

Ukrainian investment company BGV Group Management is launching named scholarships for students of Zhytomyr Polytechnic Institute

Фото: bgv.com.ua

On May 8, Zhytomyr Polytechnic State University hosted a special event to award the inaugural certificates for scholarships aimed at fostering creativity and supporting the university's talented students of higher education. The program was initiated by Gennadii Butkevych, the Chairman of the university's Supervisory Board. His investment company, BGV Group Management, partnered with the university and provided monetary rewards for its students. The total scholarship fund for 2024 is over 1.3 million Ukrainian hryvnia.

This program aims to incentivize the best students to pursue studies and research, aid promising newcomers in developing and executing cutting-edge projects, and advance Ukraine's scientific and technical capabilities.

In 2024, students at Zhytomyr Polytechnic State University will receive 13 scholarships worth 7,000 hryvnias each for their academic achievements and involvement in the university's scientific, innovative, and community activities. These scholarships will also recognize their contributions to the development and execution of significant scientific and social projects.

The BGV Group Management company hopes these scholarships will provide valuable support for students at Zhytomyr Polytechnic and serve as an incentive for their future growth.

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