14:34 23 May 2024

Rebuilding Ukraine: Latvia to invest €6 mln for Ukrainian infrastructure development in 2024

Photo: the Office of the President

Latvia plans to dedicate 6 million euros this year to advancing infrastructure in Ukraine. A similar level of assistance is anticipated to be extended next year.

This is reported on the Government portal.

At the meeting of representatives of the Ministry of Community Development of Ukraine with the Latvian delegation led by the Minister of Economy of Latvia Viktors Valainis, the parties discussed:

  • development of logistics chains,
  • creation of favorable financial and economic conditions,
  • stimulation of economic cooperation between countries.

The government reported that Latvia is interested in strengthening economic ties, particularly in substituting the export of agricultural products and developing export routes.

Ukrainian exporters and their Latvian partners are expected to receive a joint logistics plan that encompasses land and sea transportation options.

The parties also discussed expanding cooperation in railway transport and using the eCherha service.

The representatives of the Latvian delegation assured that airBaltic is ready to start operations in Ukraine as soon as air traffic is restored.

For reference:

According to the UA War Infographics Telegram channel, the monetary value of damages caused by the destruction of infrastructure and buildings in Ukraine reached 153 billion dollars.

As reported, on May 9, the Verkhovna Rada dismissed Oleksandr Kubrakov from the Minister of Community Development, Territories, and Infrastructure post. In the explanatory note to the relevant project, the deputies explained the decision as a failure of regional policy.


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