Solution 13:59 02 Mar 2024

Ukrainian World Congress raises $1.2 mln for demining vehicles for Kherson

The Ukrainian World Congress and Serhii Prytula's Charitable Foundation have completed the Invincible When United charity tour and raised nearly $1.2 million for the purchase of armored vehicles for demining.

What is the problem?

Ukraine's Prime Minister Denys Shmyhal said that about 174,000 square kilometers remain potentially mined. This is a huge area that could take decades to clear, he says.

The state already employs 3,500 sappers, but this is not enough to clear the areas contaminated by explosive ordnance.

The lack of special equipment for clearing land of explosives, including mines that are deep under a thick layer of soil, is particularly noticeable.

Since the beginning of the full-scale war, more than 270 people have been killed by mines and explosive devices.

What is the solution?

The Ukrainian World Congress and Serhiy Prytula Charitable Foundation announced a charity tour of North America entitled Invincible When United.

On February 11, the first charity event gathered guests in Toronto.

The tour helped to raise funds for the purchase of armored vehicles for humanitarian demining in the Kherson region.

How does it work?

The tour was aimed at raising awareness among Ukrainian communities and raising funds for safe humanitarian demining.

The project raised $1.192 million.

These funds will be used to purchase and deliver more than 20 Land Rover Snatch vehicles, an armored military version of the Land Rover Defender.

The UniteWithUkraine platform is a global charitable initiative of the Ukrainian World Congress aimed at raising funds to purchase and deliver essential tactical medical supplies, armored vehicles, drones and other necessary equipment to support Ukraine's troops.

Since February 2022, the UniteWithUkraine initiative has raised more than $55 million from donors from over 70 countries.

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