18:01 01 Mar 2024

Ukraine’s sea exports reach record 8 mln tons since full-scale war – infrastructure minister

The Ukrainian sea corridor exported a record 8 million tons of cargo in February, bringing the total volume to 28 million tons since the start of the UN-brokered grain deal.

Ukraine established a temporary Black Sea corridor for civilian cargo ships following Russia's withdrawal from the initiative in July last year.

"The cargo turnover of the ports of Greater Odesa in the shortest month of the year amounted to 8 million tons, of which 5.2 million tons were products of Ukrainian farmers. These are record export figures not only for the Ukrainian corridor, but also during the period of the full-scale invasion ," infrastructure minister Oleksandr Kubrakov said.

Exports through the Black Sea ports are gradually approaching pre-war levels, he says.

The volume of exports since the start of the corridor's operation has reached 28 million tons, 19 million tons of which are grains and oilseeds. The cargo was sent to 42 countries.

"Today, more than 90% of all agricultural exports go through the ports of Greater Odesa and the Danube ports. Ukraine remains one of the key guarantors of food security. This is especially true for grain exports to Africa and Asia."

First Deputy Prime Minister Yulia Svyrydenko said that Ukraine's exports reached 12 million tons in January, and 8.5 million tons in 21 days of February thanks to the operation of the Ukrainian sea corridor.


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